Sounding the Quintessential: Envinronmental Science and Art-tech | Talk & Presentation by Nandita Kumar | 3 March 2021, 6.30pm
03 Mar 2021 to 03 Feb 2021Sunaparanta Goa Centre for the Arts invites you to a talk and presentation by new media artist Nandita Kumar titled Sounding the Quintessential: Environmental Science and Art-tech.
Nandita Kumar expounds on her process of re-imagining conventional approaches to environmental sustainability. In her art, she democratizes data and explores how creative processes can activate learning, environmental protection and also social nurturing.
As part of her work for our ongoing exhibition Retellings, Kumar’s installation, From Paradigm to Paradigm into the Bionic Time, represents a newspaper-press that comments misinformed facts by public individuals on the environment. The statements are coded as “Haiku poems”, that form the backbone of a chance musical composition generated through a punch piano.
Retellings is in collaboration with Goa Open Arts.
At Sunaparanta Goa Centre for the Arts, Altinho, Panaji - Goa
Wednesday, 3 March 2021, 6.30 pm
Open to all | Limited seats | Prior registration is required
To register for this event please: Call 0832 2421311 | Email: